Building libheif on Windows with vcpkg
This page details the steps that are required to build libheif from
the vcpkg port.
The following examples use the x64-windows
vcpkg triplet.
Installing the libheif dependencies
Before building libheif you need to install the one or more of the libraries you want to use with it.
AOM can be used for decoding and/or encoding AVIF images.
vcpkg install aom:x64-windows
dav1d can be used for decoding AVIF images.
vcpkg install dav1d:x64-windows
libde265 can be used for decoding H.265 HEIF images.
vcpkg install libde265:x64-windows
x265 can be used for encoding H.265 HEIF images.
vcpkg install x265:x64-windows
Building libheif
After the dependencies have been installed you can build libheif.
vcpkg install libheif:x64-windows
Using libheif with libheif-sharp
You will need to copy the required DLLs from the vcpkg bin folder to
your application folder.
In the above examples the vcpkg bin folder would be:
and rename it to libheif.dll
Copy any required dependencies:
AOM: aom.dll
dav1d: dav1d.dll
libde265: libde265.dll
x265: libx265.dll