LibHeifSharp Namespace

Contains the LibHeif managed classes


CropTransformationProperty The crop transformation property.
HeifBooleanEncoderParameter Represents a Boolean encoder parameter.
HeifColorConversionOptions The LibHeif color conversion options.
HeifColorProfile The base class for a HEIF image color profile.
HeifContentLightLevel Represents the Content Light Level values used by HDR images.
HeifContext The LibHeif context.
HeifDecodedMasteringDisplayColourVolume Represents the decoded HDR mastering display color volume.
HeifDecoderDescriptor Represents a LibHeif decoder descriptor.
HeifDecodingOptions The options that can be set when decoding an image.
HeifDepthRepresentationInfo The depth representation information.
HeifEncoder A LibHeif encoder instance
HeifEncoderDescriptor Represents a LibHeif encoder descriptor.
HeifEncoderParameterT The base class for the LibHeif encoder parameters
HeifEncodingOptions The options that can be set when encoding an image.
HeifException The exception that is thrown for LibHeif errors.
HeifIccColorProfile Represents an International Color Consortium (ICC) color profile.
HeifImage Represents a LibHeif image.
HeifImageHandle Represents a LibHeif image handle.
HeifIntegerEncoderParameter Represents an Integer LibHeif encoder parameter
HeifMasteringDisplayColourVolume Represents the HDR mastering display color volume.
HeifMetadataBlockInfo Represents the type information of a meta-data item.
HeifNclxColorProfile Represents a NCLX color profile.
HeifPlaneData The data for an image plane.
HeifRegionItem Represents a LibHeif region item.
HeifStringEncoderParameter Represents a string LibHeif encoder parameter
LibHeifInfo Provides information about LibHeif.
MirrorTransformationProperty The mirror transformation property.
RegionEllipse The rectangle region geometry.
RegionGeometry The region geometry base class.
RegionInlineMask The inline mask region geometry.
RegionPoint The point region geometry.
RegionPolygon The polygon region geometry.
RegionPolyline The polyline region geometry.
RegionRectangle The rectangle region geometry.
RegionReferencedMask The referenced mask region geometry.
RotationTransformationProperty The rotation transformation property.
TransformationProperty The base class for the image transformation properties.
TransformedRegionEllipse The transformed ellipse region geometry.
TransformedRegionGeometry The transformed region geometry base class.
TransformedRegionPoint The transformed region point geometry.
TransformedRegionPolygon The transformed polygon region geometry.
TransformedRegionPolyline The transformed polyline region geometry.
TransformedRegionRectangle The transformed rectangle region geometry.
UserDescriptionProperty The user description property


HeifItemId Represents a LibHeif item id.
HeifPixelAspectRatio Represents the pixel aspect ratio of an image
HeifRegionItemId Represents a LibHeif region item id.
PolygonPoint Represents a polygon point.
TransformedPolygonPoint Represents a transformed polygon point.


IHeifEncoderParameter The interface that all LibHeif encoder parameters implement


AuxiliaryImageType The type of auxiliary image that a HeifImageHandle represents.
ColorPrimaries The NCLX color primaries
ColorProfileType The type of color profile.
HeifChannel The LibHeif image channels
HeifChroma The LibHeif image pixel format
HeifChromaDownsamplingAlgorithm The LibHeif chroma down-sampling algorithms.
HeifChromaUpsamplingAlgorithm The LibHeif chroma up-sampling algorithms.
HeifColorspace The color space of the image
HeifCompressionFormat The LibHeif compression format.
HeifDepthRepresentationType The depth representation type.
HeifEncoderParameterType The type of the encoder parameter.
HeifOrientation Specifies how the decoder should transform the image before it is displayed.
MatrixCoefficients The NCLX matrix coefficients
MirrorDirection The direction that the image should be mirrored (flipped).
RegionGeometryType The type of geometry that a region represents.
RotationType The type of rotation than the image requires.
TransferCharacteristics The NCLX transfer characteristics
TransformationPropertyType The type of image transformation that a property represents.