CropTransformationProperty | The crop transformation property. |
HeifBooleanEncoderParameter | Represents a Boolean encoder parameter. |
HeifColorConversionOptions | The LibHeif color conversion options. |
HeifColorProfile | The base class for a HEIF image color profile. |
HeifContentLightLevel | Represents the Content Light Level values used by HDR images. |
HeifContext | The LibHeif context. |
HeifDecodedMasteringDisplayColourVolume | Represents the decoded HDR mastering display color volume. |
HeifDecoderDescriptor | Represents a LibHeif decoder descriptor. |
HeifDecodingOptions | The options that can be set when decoding an image. |
HeifDepthRepresentationInfo | The depth representation information. |
HeifEncoder | A LibHeif encoder instance |
HeifEncoderDescriptor | Represents a LibHeif encoder descriptor. |
HeifEncoderParameterT | The base class for the LibHeif encoder parameters |
HeifEncodingOptions | The options that can be set when encoding an image. |
HeifException | The exception that is thrown for LibHeif errors. |
HeifIccColorProfile | Represents an International Color Consortium (ICC) color profile. |
HeifImage | Represents a LibHeif image. |
HeifImageHandle | Represents a LibHeif image handle. |
HeifIntegerEncoderParameter | Represents an Integer LibHeif encoder parameter |
HeifMasteringDisplayColourVolume | Represents the HDR mastering display color volume. |
HeifMetadataBlockInfo | Represents the type information of a meta-data item. |
HeifNclxColorProfile | Represents a NCLX color profile. |
HeifPlaneData | The data for an image plane. |
HeifRegionItem | Represents a LibHeif region item. |
HeifStringEncoderParameter | Represents a string LibHeif encoder parameter |
LibHeifInfo | Provides information about LibHeif. |
MirrorTransformationProperty | The mirror transformation property. |
RegionEllipse | The rectangle region geometry. |
RegionGeometry | The region geometry base class. |
RegionInlineMask | The inline mask region geometry. |
RegionPoint | The point region geometry. |
RegionPolygon | The polygon region geometry. |
RegionPolyline | The polyline region geometry. |
RegionRectangle | The rectangle region geometry. |
RegionReferencedMask | The referenced mask region geometry. |
RotationTransformationProperty | The rotation transformation property. |
TransformationProperty | The base class for the image transformation properties. |
TransformedRegionEllipse | The transformed ellipse region geometry. |
TransformedRegionGeometry | The transformed region geometry base class. |
TransformedRegionPoint | The transformed region point geometry. |
TransformedRegionPolygon | The transformed polygon region geometry. |
TransformedRegionPolyline | The transformed polyline region geometry. |
TransformedRegionRectangle | The transformed rectangle region geometry. |
UserDescriptionProperty | The user description property |
HeifItemId | Represents a LibHeif item id. |
HeifPixelAspectRatio | Represents the pixel aspect ratio of an image |
HeifRegionItemId | Represents a LibHeif region item id. |
PolygonPoint | Represents a polygon point. |
TransformedPolygonPoint | Represents a transformed polygon point. |
IHeifEncoderParameter | The interface that all LibHeif encoder parameters implement |
AuxiliaryImageType | The type of auxiliary image that a HeifImageHandle represents. |
ColorPrimaries | The NCLX color primaries |
ColorProfileType | The type of color profile. |
HeifChannel | The LibHeif image channels |
HeifChroma | The LibHeif image pixel format |
HeifChromaDownsamplingAlgorithm | The LibHeif chroma down-sampling algorithms. |
HeifChromaUpsamplingAlgorithm | The LibHeif chroma up-sampling algorithms. |
HeifColorspace | The color space of the image |
HeifCompressionFormat | The LibHeif compression format. |
HeifDepthRepresentationType | The depth representation type. |
HeifEncoderParameterType | The type of the encoder parameter. |
HeifOrientation | Specifies how the decoder should transform the image before it is displayed. |
MatrixCoefficients | The NCLX matrix coefficients |
MirrorDirection | The direction that the image should be mirrored (flipped). |
RegionGeometryType | The type of geometry that a region represents. |
RotationType | The type of rotation than the image requires. |
TransferCharacteristics | The NCLX transfer characteristics |
TransformationPropertyType | The type of image transformation that a property represents. |