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Online documentation site for LibHeifSharp

LibHeifSharp provides .NET bindings for libheif.
It is built against .NET Standard 2.0, and should work on any supported .NET platform that has a libheif shared library.

The latest release can be downloaded from NuGet or from the Releases page on GitHub.

LibHeifSharp API Documentation

The following page provides an example of how to build libheif on Windows: Building libheif on Windows with vcpkg


Sample Applications

The libheif-sharp-samples repository contains decoder and encoder samples that demonstrate the use of the library.


The libheif shared library must be named libheif in order for it to be found by P/Invoke.
On some platforms a DllImportResolver can be used to customize the loading of the libheif native library.
See LibHeifSharpDllImportResolver.cs in the libheif-sharp-samples repository for an example of this.

The minimum supported libheif version is 1.9.0.